Aug 5 – 9, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Local paricipants are expected to do some homework before the meeting.


1. Accounts

  1. Make an account in the indico (which is different from the meeting registrations).
  2. Accept our invitation to the meeting slack workspace sent via e-mail after the end of the full-registration (local) period.

2. Self-introduction materials

These can be submitted through the full-registratoin form (local).


(1) Create a slide in PDF summarizing the following items. This will be used during the "Elevator talk" session on Day 1 to facilitate grouping.

  1. Contact information (if it is OK)
  2. Research interest
  3. Choice of group session topic(s)



(2) Your photo and a paragraph describing your research interest for the photo album.



3. Familialize yourself with Cloudy 


3.1. Install and ruun cloudy on your laptop PC

Please bring the PC to the meeting.


3.1.1. Cloudy

Instructions are given below.


3.1.2. PyCloudy


3.1.3. PyNeb



3.2. Read through the quick start guide.

More detailed documents ("Hazy1,2,3") are available upon installation at cloudy/c23.01/docs/

3.3. Run Jupyter notebook examples of pyCloudy.

Note: some modification to the code is necessary depending on your environment.


3.4. Solve a problem.


What: Compute a model of the M16 Pillars of Creation and create plots showing the hydrogen ionization structure, the temperature structure, and the emissivity of [O III] 5007 across the H+ layer. Compare that with HST images of the Pillars. The plots must be submitted to the class discussion board before the workshop begins.


Why: This ensures that everyone can run Cloudy and create plots with its output. It also displays the modeling of an HST observation.


Input file:


) cloudy.exe -r M16