Aug 5 – 9, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone


1. Access to ISAS

2. Domestic travel planning

2-1. To the closest train station (JR Yokohama line, Fuchinobe station).


2-2. From the station to ISAS

Four options

  1. Walk for 15 min.
  2. Take bus.
  3. Take taxi.
  4. Drive your car.
  • We recommend using public transportation as much as possible.
  • Bus
    • The nearest bus stop is "Shiritsu Hakubutsukan-mae" on the "Aoba Circulation" route (not "Space Science Research Headquarters"). 
    • Please note that the "Aoba Circulation" route changes direction in the morning and afternoon.
  • If you are coming by car, please obtain a temporary parking permit at the gate.

3. Upon arrival

  1. Please refer to【this link】for information on how to enter ISAS. 
  2. Upon arrival, register with the security guard and receive an entry ID card. 
  3. The workshop will be held in the large conference room on the 2nd floor of Building A (Main Building). 
  4. Please complete the registration upon arrival.

4. Campas Map