Cloudy is a widely-used code for the numerial radiative transfer calculations. It is useful to interpret astronomical spectra across wavelengths and is relevant to many projects that the Japanese astronomical community is deeply involved, including XRISM, Subaru PFS, JWST, and ALMA
We will host the Cloudy Workshop 2024 in Japan. The workshop is held since 2012 almost annually around the world, but this is the first in Japan and is also the first on-site workshop since the suspension due to the COVID19. We will invite Prof. Gary Ferland, Drs. Peter van Hoof, Chamani Gunasekera on site and Drs. Priyanka Chakraborty, Maryam Dehghanian, Christophe Morisset, and Gargi Shaw on-line as lecturers.
We will follow the tradition of the previous cloudy workshops. They are composed of
- A series of lectures based on Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei (Osterbrock & Ferland)
- Research talks using cloudy.
- Several group works by participants to apply cloudy for selected topics.
In this workshop, 1 and 2 are open for remote participation via zoom. 3 is only for local participants.
This workshop is intended for graduate students and young researchers to gain experience in cloudy and foster domestic user community. No prior experience with cloudy is assumed, although participants should have a reasonable knowledge of undergraduate-level spectroscopy and atomic physics.

Cloudy's simulation of the outer region of the Perseus galaxy cluster. The figure shows resolved fine-structure one-electron doublets such as Fe XXVI. A spectral resolution of R = 0.25 eV and a log column density of 24 were used. J-splitting of the one-electron nP - 1S lines is a major improvement in the upcoming 2024 release of Cloudy, as described in the upcoming Gunasekera+2024